lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

What I like of the America's Cup

What I like of the America's Cup:

  • The Boats are amazing to see, 30 knots upwind!! with 18 of wind! WTF. Don't change the boats!! AC72 are awesome!
  • TV production. Great coverage with the graphics interacion 
  • San Francisco Bay.
  • Oracle Team USA come back. (despite I'm a Kiwi supporter).

What I don't like of the America's Cup:

  • Wind limits, I understand that saftey is first, but they can invent something to unpower the boats when the breeze is up!
  • Comentators, They need to put more drama on the narration, need to talk to Peter Lester and Peter Montgomery.
  • The Louis Vuitton sucks,  Luna Rossa and Artemis throw milions and millions to the rubish. I understand that not everybody can win but at least compete with some dignity. 

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